This multifunctional leg bag is great for hiking, fishing, hunting, sports events, climbing, camping or any other activates that you may be engage in for the day. It is equipped with a waist strap and a leg strap that keeps the pack from bouncing around as you walk down the trail. It has many compartments for anything and everything that you may need to take with you for the day. Whether you are going into the wood or to a sporting event. It has compartment for sunglass, smartphone, laptop or e-reader, small First Aid Kit, or whatever. This soft pack is comfortable to wear, and it’s made with a high-quality nylon material, which is waterproof. You wear it around your waist or care it over your shoulder. It comes in seven colors which are Desert, Digital, Black, ACU, CP, Khaki, or Army Green. This pack has many uses for all types of outings.
Pocket Dimensions:
- Main Drawstring Pocket: 6"x 7.50"x 4"
- Front Upper Pocket: 5.50"x 2.50"x 1"
- Front Zipper Pocket: 4.50"x 6.50"x 1.50"
- Lateral Pocket: 3"x 5"x 1.5"
- Maximum waist circumference: 43.31”
Shipping and Product Information | |||||
Dimensions: |
11.81”x 4.72”x 4.33” |
Shipped From: |
China |
Shipping Size: |
13.27"x 10.16"x 2.24" |
Shipping Time: (only) |
25 Days |
30 Days |
Weight: |
lbs. |
Main Material: |
Mutable Materials |
Shipping Weight: |
1.14 |
lbs. |
Color: |
Multicolor |
Load Capacity: |
Not Apply |
Model: |
3256804254862454 |